Saturday, November 21, 2009
due date gone
here it is the 21 of november. my due date has come and gone. STILL NO BABY OAKLEE. very sad. i sit and think to my self is she ever going to come out or what. she is just camping away in there. i sure wish she would come out and meet the world! it is very hard to be so miserable. i have been joking with dear hubby that she has his head and she cant come out cuz she is stuck. hhehehehe, it is all for giggles he has a large head so that is why i joke with him. monday is coming quick but i sure wish my body would go on its own!!!! little oaklee please come out, so many people want to meet you, but they cant cuz we all decided your are def. a schmid(STUBBORN) she is def. her daddies little girl.. hehehhe. we had to do a non stress test last week when we went to the dr. she had not moved at all that morning so we were worried. he also checked the fluid around her and everything was ok. we were able to get an ultra sound picture of her face!!! my little girl has chubby cheeks.. oh i cant wait to squeeze them. by the picture she has alot of my features my cheeks my nose and my lips. we could not see her eyes though, it was not a very good picture, but i sure hope she has coles big brown eyes...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
38 weeks

38 weeks pg. wow!!!! amazing how much the body changes for the little miracles!!! i have 11 days left. but hoping she comes earlier. i am done being pg. I am very thankful that i have a good pregnancy. i was a little sick at first but nothing to bad. the worst thing i think i have dealt with is swollen ankles and feet. but i have come to keep that under control. hoping the delivery goes good as well. getting excited for Oaklee to come but nervous at the same time. cant wait to meet her. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Dr. Update
so i went to the dr. on tuesday. i was hoping that i was starting to dilate..... but i was wrong :( he checked me and nothing!!!! i was a little disappointed. but that is ok. i am still feeling the pressure and still getting braxton hicks. hopefully she will decide to come soon. maybe i will be the 10% of women who's water breaks on it its own. that would be nice. but i am down to two weeks and getting really excited and really nervous at the same time. cant wait till she is here so i can meet her and love on her. but hoping that dilvery goes good. shorti am hoping...
we will let every one know when it is time.
we will let every one know when it is time.
Monday, November 2, 2009
so anyways last night i wasnt feeling to good. i got in to bed and started feeling weird pain come from my thighs then in to my stomache then up my spine.. nothing to bad then i got sick to my stomach so i had to run to the bathroom. when i got back in bed i felt the pain soi decided i would see if it was consistant, it wasnt. feeewww... i figured if it was contractions then i would be woken up but i never woke up to pain. I got up this morning and oh wow i had lots of pressure. it was not painful just annoying. ithurt to walk and even sit. but i never starting to contract regulary. i go to dr. tomorrow maybe he will give us some good news.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
vehicle update
well we just bought a 2005 chevy equinox suv! it is alot different than my jeep and it will take some time to get used to. but it is fun to drive and really roomy. the back seat has tonz of leg room and lots of room for a carseat. there are a few things that need to be fixed but the dealer is fixing them. like the cd player does not work and the cup holder in the consel is broke, but we are taking it cedar city on the 16 to get the cd player replaced.. i will post some pictures soon.
update on baby
well i went to the dr on the 13. it went well. i am measuring back to where i am supposed to be, the app. before i was measuring 2 in. bigger he said he would keep an eye on it but this last app. i was back to where i should be. the baby was probably just sitting funny in there or something. my next app. i have to get my strep b test done and he is going to start checking me to see if i am dialating or anything like that. i have 5 weeks left. i go every week starting on the 27. CRAZY. i can not believe how fast the time goes. just seems like yesterday we were just finding out that we were pregnant. and now she will be here any time. we are very excited for to come but very nervous. i am still preparing my mind for birth for we have decided to go natural. it is not to show off to people or anything like that, it is just that i dont want an epidural. although i am keeping an open mind and if something happens and need an epi, or i absolutly cant handle the pain and still can one then i will. but other than that it is a no go for the epi. i am not scared for labor. well not yet hehehe, but i am scared for the after fact of what women have to go through after a baby comes. dont know why i am so scared of a natural thing that happens when a baby comes. but maybe for the fact of people saying how long it lasts and how heavy!!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
update on jeep
We thought it would take a couple days for the insurance people to get out to our house to look at the jeep, well they came yesterday. i was pretty nervous cuz i knew the damage was going to be more than what the jeep was worth, but i didnt know how the out come would be. i got home from cedar and the guy was already there, he said he was just finishing up his quote and would let me know in a minute. i was like ok cool. well he decided it was better off to total it! i was thrilled, but also at the same time i was very upset for this is my first vehicle. i went in to find the title so i could sign it away..... the guy had told me that all the damage to the outside was 4300.00 dollars and he had not even climbed underneath of it yet to see the damage to the radiator. he figured it would jump it up to well over 5,000.00 dollars in damage. ouch. cole sure hit that deer good. so now we are on the search for a new vehicle
Monday, September 28, 2009
coles buck he shot
cole shot this buck over the weekend. he is a 4x5 20 inches. he is not as big as cole would of liked but he was proud. he gets a little excited and could not let this one go. now for the next hunt hopefully he gets a spike elk..

Our tragic morning!
AS for the saying mondays are the worst days of the week... I agree.
It all started early this morning cole woke up late so he was in a hurry to get to work. He was going to be driving my jeep today so he could get it in the shop to get the frint fixed. a u joint or something was going out. so he headed off to work and about half way between beaver and milford a tragidy happened. all of a sudden a doe jumps out on to the road from a deep ditch, as soon as cole seen it, it was running in to him. he had no time to slow down or nothing. the doe hit the front bumper and skidded down the driver side. the driver door hardley opens and the back door is dented in. the bumper is falling off. it is not a pretty looking jeep no more. thankfully cole is ok. he is lucky the air bags did not deploy. i am sadden by this tragic lose for this my very first vehicle that i had bought and paid for.:( we are now waiting for the insurance people to send someone out to inspect it and let us know if it is totaled or not. with the looks of the damage i think it will cost more to fix then what the jeep is worth. so deep down i am hoping they total it so i can get a new vehicle. a new vehicle has been in the future so this might have brought it closer. hehehehehe. but that starts out our week on monday not so good.

It all started early this morning cole woke up late so he was in a hurry to get to work. He was going to be driving my jeep today so he could get it in the shop to get the frint fixed. a u joint or something was going out. so he headed off to work and about half way between beaver and milford a tragidy happened. all of a sudden a doe jumps out on to the road from a deep ditch, as soon as cole seen it, it was running in to him. he had no time to slow down or nothing. the doe hit the front bumper and skidded down the driver side. the driver door hardley opens and the back door is dented in. the bumper is falling off. it is not a pretty looking jeep no more. thankfully cole is ok. he is lucky the air bags did not deploy. i am sadden by this tragic lose for this my very first vehicle that i had bought and paid for.:( we are now waiting for the insurance people to send someone out to inspect it and let us know if it is totaled or not. with the looks of the damage i think it will cost more to fix then what the jeep is worth. so deep down i am hoping they total it so i can get a new vehicle. a new vehicle has been in the future so this might have brought it closer. hehehehehe. but that starts out our week on monday not so good.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
32 weeks- 8 weeks left
32 weeks. i have 8 weeks to go. yea! i had to take this picture my self. my hubby was not home and i needed to get a updated picture of me on here. it is not very good picture.

Monday, August 31, 2009
sorry for the missed weekly shots of my belly
i have not been taking pictures of my belly lately. i have missed quit a few weeks now. i have been extremely busy really not even home much. and we are in the process of purchasing a new camera. mine is good but i dropped it on the concrete so now the screen is half blank. i was really mad, but that is what i get for being clumsy. so if any one has any ideas on a good digital camera let me know.
On August 18 i went to the Dr. just a routine check up which went great. I am measuring where i am suposed to be and so is the baby. Her heart beat is amazing which is always good to hear every time i go in. Dr. Gaqthrum asked me if i had any questions, and i said yes! every women wants to know how much they have gained right? you get on the scale and see the numbers going up each time. i said so i have a stupid question how much have i gained? i am gaining to much not enough? He looked at me and giggled, and said you have gained 14 pounds!!! i was in shock i am not used to seeing those numbers hehehe. he said you are right were you are suposed to be. wheew i thought. that is good... i dont want to be gaining to much. guess i am doing every thing i am suposed to be doing. yea for me.... so after my dr. app i had to do the dread ful long awaited gestational diabetes test. i was really nervous since i have hypoglycemia and that my mom had D.G. so i was scared. I went to the lab and they gave me this bottle of orange looking juice, she told me that they usually give you 5 min. to drink it but she would give me 10. good thing.. so started to drink it. it was not bad but it tasted like that orange cough syrup i used to take when i was a kid. it was hard to get it down, just cuz it is so sugary tasting. finally i got it down and then iu had to sit there for an hour, good thing cole was there i was bored and he was getting antsy. finally they call us back to do my blood work. i hate needles so it has been hard for me to get pricked so many times these past 6 months. but i survived. it took the nurse awhile cuz my veins were small(probably not getting enough fluids she tells me) she says k your done if your levels are high or your dr. is concerned he will give you a call in the next couple days. the days wnet by and i kept praying that they would not call me. And to my surprise they didnt... Yea what a celebration. i was thrilled. that means my sugar levels are good, and there is no concern for G.D. what a relief. i was so happy. not only am i healthy so far but i dont have to change my diet. i can still eat my rocky road ice cream!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Oaklee's new crib
Cole and I put up oaklee's crib. i couldnt wait. we have had it for several months now but couldnt put it up till the painting was done. all we need now is to put a few decorations on the walls and then buy her a dresser. then her room will be complete and waiting for her to be in it. 

Monday, August 10, 2009
25 weeks

Here is my belly at 25 weeks. getting bigger. My face looks funny in this picture.. i have not been doing good on keeping up with the pictures i forgot to take week 24, sorry..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
23 Weeks

Here is my belly at 23 weeks. Getting bigger... look my little dog ended up in the picture to. hehehe
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
This past week has been so busy for me and i cant wait till i can get a weekend of relaxation.. Friday my mother and law took us girls to the big SLC to George straight concert. it was clear out in west valley, i was driving and we had only 4.9 miles to go to get to our destination. when all of a sudden there were cars every where. the traffic was so backed up from a stupid light, it took us 1 1/2 hours to go the 4.9 miles. i was so mad cuz we were late.....:( this light would only allow 2 cars to go through at a time and when you got through the light, the people turning to go the same direction were not yeilding the right of way so it was way backed up, we were almost in a few fender benders because of those rude people. But we made it safe and sound. When we go there the opening singers had already started and i was bummed because the first opener was Julianne Hough. We missed her and got there for the second which is one of my fav. Blake shelton. then george... it was a fun and awesome concert. we had fun. then the next day we went shopping and took most the day, we then drove home as quick as we could cuz me and cole had to go straight back to slc, cuz on sunday was cory's fairwell talk. we finally made it home sunday night at 8:00 and had enough time to do some laundry and go to bed. but it was a fun week end. but i am glad it is over so i can get some rest. it was being able to spend time with the mother and sisterinlaws and also spending time with family up north, cant wait to see them again. and thus for our adventures they begin again this weekend for a big family camping trip. i am thrilled but hope is also kind of relaxing.........
Missed 22 week picture
so this past week i have been extremely busy, i was gone alot and did not get the chance to take a 22 week picture! Sorry. so the next one will be 23 weeks.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
My belly

My horse Quixote

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Baby Schmid update
We go to the Dr on June 23. it is going to be one of the most exciting app. we get to find out what we are having. we can not wait. I have never been so anxious about anything in my whole before this. i am 17 weeks tomorrow. cant believe how time flies. So if you have a bet on what it is let me know i am curious to see how many people think we are having!! i will post a picture soon of my belly. not to fond of pictures of my self right now but i know how family is curious. so next couple days i will post one...
My new Baby"Horse that is"
Since last year when my horse died we decided to look for a new one. Lots of beautiful horses out there but way to many over priced. I wanted one that would be perfect for me and one i could love to ride and wanted people to see me on. Well we found the perfect horse.. We bought a yearling this past week and we are going to pick him up today.. i cant wait! he is a bucksin dun. very cute. i will not be able to ride for quite some time but as soon as i can ride again hopefully we will have him trained. i will write more on him later and i will post a picture.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Payten's blanket
This is the blanket i just finished for my niece payten. I started it last weekend and i only had a week to do it. i really procrastinated on this one(hehehe).. but i got it finished last night in time for her b-day on sat. This one was alot quicker to do but it was more challanging. i am not good with angles and stuff measurments but it turned out really good.. i hope she likes it. it turned out way bigger than the other ones i have made. but shhhh no one will know... (j/k)

Back side

Back side
Friday, May 8, 2009
Remembering the past part 3
Who can forget the mother in law.. i have so many moms to be thankful for. including my wonderful mother in law.. Donna is one of a kind. she is very ditzy, fun and very caring. A memory i want to share about her is about this one vacation she took all her daughter in laws on. Every summer she takes us to a concert that we all want to go to. This one we were going to was in Vegas. It was Kenny Chesney concert with sugar land. This one was way special because we were able to stay the night in i think it is called grand rio. it is out in henderson, and it is like a 5 star resort where alot and i mean alot of the celeberties stay. Walking in to the hotel was amazing i have never seen anything like it. Gold stuff every where. we all walked in wearing jeans tshirts and sandals. we def. felt very under dressed for this kid of place. everyone was very well dressed, even the guests. We get to our rooms and they had huge beds with white down comforters and a huge walk in bath room with stand up shower with a huge jacoozie tub and had two sinks and the toilet had its own door so you could be using the bathroom and some else could be doing their hair.... we all felt like royalty.( the hotel was booked by my sister in law jesse, she could get good deals at hotels cuz she worked at one and was able to get us a discount) we all decided to get ready for the concert so we could go tour around the resort and see what was around there and see the show... It was amazing this place has two hotels cuz it is a huge resort and had like 3 swimming pools it had its own little shopping town and casino. So instead of taking our car and driving around Las Vegas we took a LIMO.. (by the way had never been in one before this) We waited very patiently by the front golden doors for our ride, it finally showed up and we all let out a scream. people kept looking at us giving us weird looks. By the way donna screamed too... we ran out and made the bell boys take a picture of all of us in front of the limo. then we go in and waited for our adventure. We played with everything in that limo, opening this and that pushing this button and that button. We all laughed and had blast in there. the limo driver probably thought we were all on something.(hehehehe) it was a blast. We get to the concert and it was one of the most funnest concert i have been to and it was great that we got to spend it with our mother in law. the concert was way good and we had fun screaming and yelling, and every one covering their ears while i screamed my lungs out. after we headed back to the hotel in the limo and had just as much fun on the way over. Wishing the night ould not end. we dicided to go check out the casino so that they could gamble(by the way i was only 20 i am not allowed in there) we go in and they start to gamble and i just kinda stood there, there was like 10 people in there it was not very big. and i was like 12:30 at night the casino guys come over and started to check id's i didnt have one so he told me i couldnt over there so i said i will go sit over there and wait for you guys. well i got bored so me and Myla went for a walk throught the little towns streets. then Donna, shannon and jesse met up with us. Then it was off to bed. we woke up refreshed. got ready and went to breakfast and off to Utah we drove, the whole way we talked and laughed about the night before and talked about how much fun we had.. Thank you donna for such great experiences you give tous. you are the best mother in law in the world and i am so thankful to be part of your family... Thank you for all the great memories we have had in the past 5 since i have met cole and your family. thank you for having such a great son. very privleaged to be his wife. thank you
Remembering the past part 2
Fortunantly I have 2 moms to write about. I am going to write about my step mom today. This challenge i challenged people to do is very hard, there are so many memories. It is hard to just pick one. This one memory i am going to write about happened about 2 years ago. I think i was in SLC for my bridals. By the way was an amazing experience and i thank Benita for it. She made my bridal fun and very memorable. thank you for doing that for me. Benita had asked me if i wanted to register any where for the wedding and i had not really thought about it. She told me that it would be a good idea just because there are certain things you may want and if there is a list of things then people can choose something from your list instead of trying to guess what your style is or what you like.. so i decided to do it. So we decided to register at target! (love target) after my bridals, Benita, Aryn and I headed to target. We registered and they gave me this scanner gun and said you can scan what ever you want to. I was like sweet.. we all set off to go through everything and scan everything... I remember just having a blast not only with Aryn but Also with Benita. We would scan something way out of the ordinary and would just laugh about it. It was fun becuase not only were we acting like kids but benita was having fun to.. She would find things to scan and then laugh about it. We were in target for a couple hours. it was so fun to be able to something like this with a mom. i had a blast... it was fun because it was a whole day as the girls no worries about the boys. it was just us girls. starting in the morning with hair and make up then bridals,laughing at poses i was doing and then shopping. it was a very good day and very memorable. Benita is a wonderful and caring person. She is always there when you want to talk or need advice. She has been in our lives going on 22 years this june. She is not just a step mom she is more than a step mom. I just want her know how thankful i am for having her in my life and being there for me as a mom and a friend. Thank you for all you do. thank you for making that day really special to me.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Remembering the past challenge
I am challenging every one to post a memory from the past about a time you spent with not only your family but your MOM... Something you will remember for ever! i had a hard time thinking of just one good memory.
I remember back when us kids were little, mom would pack us in the car and we would head to subway... Mom would order a huge sandwhich that had lots of things on it. Yuummm. We then would all pack in to the white convertable car and head up the canyon. All the boys usually sat in the back, and i got to sit in the front with mom. Mom would have the top down and we would jam ou to the music. Usaully Indian music or Roxette(by the way i still listen to Roxette). It seemed like we would go around the twists and bends super fast(heck we were kids we thought we were driving way fast) and one of my brothers hated it. it was like you would hit one of the turns and you look over the edge of the road and was like you were going to fall over... We would end up stopped at a little meadow in the canyon, and eat our lunch and we would play for awhile. This one time we stopped at this meadow and there was this pond i remember we sat under a tree to eat and out in the middle of the pond was a moose. it was so awesome. when we were done we would head back down the canyon and head home, hoping for another adventure to come with mom. Mom took us for rides all the time it was so much fun and i will always remember the times we all spent together in the past. Mom always tried to make things fun for us kids, instead of spending tonz of money that she didnt have we would do simple things like go for rides and adventures... I am very grateful to my mom for everything she has done for us kids. We went through some rough times in our lives but mom was always by our sides to her best ability. Thank you mom for everything and i love you... I will def. be writing more about our child hood memories, there is more to come.
I remember back when us kids were little, mom would pack us in the car and we would head to subway... Mom would order a huge sandwhich that had lots of things on it. Yuummm. We then would all pack in to the white convertable car and head up the canyon. All the boys usually sat in the back, and i got to sit in the front with mom. Mom would have the top down and we would jam ou to the music. Usaully Indian music or Roxette(by the way i still listen to Roxette). It seemed like we would go around the twists and bends super fast(heck we were kids we thought we were driving way fast) and one of my brothers hated it. it was like you would hit one of the turns and you look over the edge of the road and was like you were going to fall over... We would end up stopped at a little meadow in the canyon, and eat our lunch and we would play for awhile. This one time we stopped at this meadow and there was this pond i remember we sat under a tree to eat and out in the middle of the pond was a moose. it was so awesome. when we were done we would head back down the canyon and head home, hoping for another adventure to come with mom. Mom took us for rides all the time it was so much fun and i will always remember the times we all spent together in the past. Mom always tried to make things fun for us kids, instead of spending tonz of money that she didnt have we would do simple things like go for rides and adventures... I am very grateful to my mom for everything she has done for us kids. We went through some rough times in our lives but mom was always by our sides to her best ability. Thank you mom for everything and i love you... I will def. be writing more about our child hood memories, there is more to come.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
my new horse
so we have been riding this horse to see if we want to buy him, he is such a good horse. he is so pretty and is the horse i have always wanted! he is a quarter horse and is palamino. very beautiful. about 8 or 9 years. cole just loves him. we are going to give the owner an offer so hopefully they take it and i will have my self a new horse. i will post pictures of him in next coupl of days.....
my horse
so last year in may cole took my horse and his horse out west with him on his big desert trip. he goes out west for 5 days. they go out and camp, look for wild horses and try to ride with the heards of mustangs. this horse was my very first horse. she was not the best, she was moody, stubborn. pretty much everything that a female is. she had very bad habbits from a previous owner and we had spent countless hours working with her. i had her going so good. her attitudes were not as bad and she was coming around. well cole took her out there so he could ride the heck out of her and get her over not being able to leave other horses. 2 days past i was getting hubby sickness 3days past and i could hardley sleep at night and then here was day 4 and i kept telling my self one more day. then all of a sudden i hear a truck pull up and a horse winny. i look out and to my relief there he was! i was so thrilled i ran out side to see him. but he didnt look so happy i open the truck door and he looks very upset... i ask him what is wrong and why was he home a day early. he then begins to tell me what happened. he said he was sorry but he had to leave my horse OUT WEST!!! that something happened and she couldnt make it. then i look in the trailer to see if this had been true. i started to cry. i was so sad i had worked so hard with her and now she was gone in just a few days. had i known she wouldnt have been coming home i would of said my good byes. so he tells me that one of his friends needed a horse to ride so he offered for him to ride mine. they went for a ride all day and he took it easy with her. well that night she would not eat and would not drink. cole knew something was wrong, she just wanted to lay down. cole took her out of the correl and started to walk her. knowing she probably had a gut ache. she then started to fight around with him trying to roll. so one of our good friends got some medicine and gave her a shot. well she was hurting so bad she ended up getting away from cole and ran away. cole tried to track her down but it was very dark and late. he got up the next morning and went and tried to find her. figuring she would be back. well he came up to a wash and found her laying there. she had passed away. so he went to her and barried her as best as he could. every one was so upset. he said he was so sorry i told him things happen and some times there is nothing you can do about them but your best. it took awhile to be ok with it. we sure do miss having her around....she is probably up in horse heaven eating all she wants running and bucking. and having a hay day.. RIP missy
wishing for the warm weather
i was so excited when the weather started to get warm. then all of a sudden mother naturet ook over and now it is cold. we got a few snow showers over the weekend and in cedar city they got 6-8 inches of snow friday night. i wish the weather would stay warm. i hate the cold.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
*****Another Quilt*****
I just finished another quilt. This one is for my little niece Ruthie. She is turing 1 in march. and that is what we are giving nieces and nephews for their b-days. I have two more to go then i will be caught up till some one else gets pregnant. i will post pictures in the next couple of days..
Thursday, January 15, 2009
~~~Rag Quilts~~~
I started to sew Rag Quilts. This my second one. I made this one for me and coles niece that is going to be arriving any day now. I am going to make Rag quilts for all the nieces and nephews for their birthdays this year. The first one i made was for Gage and we gave it to him for christmas. it turned out good to. it looks different from this one. But i love the way this one turned out. I ragged it then mom and I tied it. to hold the batting in. It is so cute. I started on another one and I have to get it done before march 1st, then one by march 11. i will post the next one i get done.
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