Monday, March 9, 2009

my horse

so last year in may cole took my horse and his horse out west with him on his big desert trip. he goes out west for 5 days. they go out and camp, look for wild horses and try to ride with the heards of mustangs. this horse was my very first horse. she was not the best, she was moody, stubborn. pretty much everything that a female is. she had very bad habbits from a previous owner and we had spent countless hours working with her. i had her going so good. her attitudes were not as bad and she was coming around. well cole took her out there so he could ride the heck out of her and get her over not being able to leave other horses. 2 days past i was getting hubby sickness 3days past and i could hardley sleep at night and then here was day 4 and i kept telling my self one more day. then all of a sudden i hear a truck pull up and a horse winny. i look out and to my relief there he was! i was so thrilled i ran out side to see him. but he didnt look so happy i open the truck door and he looks very upset... i ask him what is wrong and why was he home a day early. he then begins to tell me what happened. he said he was sorry but he had to leave my horse OUT WEST!!! that something happened and she couldnt make it. then i look in the trailer to see if this had been true. i started to cry. i was so sad i had worked so hard with her and now she was gone in just a few days. had i known she wouldnt have been coming home i would of said my good byes. so he tells me that one of his friends needed a horse to ride so he offered for him to ride mine. they went for a ride all day and he took it easy with her. well that night she would not eat and would not drink. cole knew something was wrong, she just wanted to lay down. cole took her out of the correl and started to walk her. knowing she probably had a gut ache. she then started to fight around with him trying to roll. so one of our good friends got some medicine and gave her a shot. well she was hurting so bad she ended up getting away from cole and ran away. cole tried to track her down but it was very dark and late. he got up the next morning and went and tried to find her. figuring she would be back. well he came up to a wash and found her laying there. she had passed away. so he went to her and barried her as best as he could. every one was so upset. he said he was so sorry i told him things happen and some times there is nothing you can do about them but your best. it took awhile to be ok with it. we sure do miss having her around....she is probably up in horse heaven eating all she wants running and bucking. and having a hay day.. RIP missy

1 comment:

Brimaca said...

Oh I am so sorry. Remember when taht almost happened to Mokie two years ago! It made me sick. She still hasn't been the same. She will never be the horse she was. I feel guilt for it all the time.