Wednesday, January 27, 2010
my favorite picture of oaklee!! can you belive she is 2 in a half months old. it is amazing how fast they grow. she is such a good baby. i love her so much. she is learning new things every day. the other day she discovered she has hands. it was so funny she sat there and played with them and stared at them tried to eat them. it was cute. i always thought my babies would have white hair but not miss oaklee she has strawberry blonde hair.. i love it

Saturday, November 21, 2009
due date gone
here it is the 21 of november. my due date has come and gone. STILL NO BABY OAKLEE. very sad. i sit and think to my self is she ever going to come out or what. she is just camping away in there. i sure wish she would come out and meet the world! it is very hard to be so miserable. i have been joking with dear hubby that she has his head and she cant come out cuz she is stuck. hhehehehe, it is all for giggles he has a large head so that is why i joke with him. monday is coming quick but i sure wish my body would go on its own!!!! little oaklee please come out, so many people want to meet you, but they cant cuz we all decided your are def. a schmid(STUBBORN) she is def. her daddies little girl.. hehehhe. we had to do a non stress test last week when we went to the dr. she had not moved at all that morning so we were worried. he also checked the fluid around her and everything was ok. we were able to get an ultra sound picture of her face!!! my little girl has chubby cheeks.. oh i cant wait to squeeze them. by the picture she has alot of my features my cheeks my nose and my lips. we could not see her eyes though, it was not a very good picture, but i sure hope she has coles big brown eyes...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
38 weeks

38 weeks pg. wow!!!! amazing how much the body changes for the little miracles!!! i have 11 days left. but hoping she comes earlier. i am done being pg. I am very thankful that i have a good pregnancy. i was a little sick at first but nothing to bad. the worst thing i think i have dealt with is swollen ankles and feet. but i have come to keep that under control. hoping the delivery goes good as well. getting excited for Oaklee to come but nervous at the same time. cant wait to meet her. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Dr. Update
so i went to the dr. on tuesday. i was hoping that i was starting to dilate..... but i was wrong :( he checked me and nothing!!!! i was a little disappointed. but that is ok. i am still feeling the pressure and still getting braxton hicks. hopefully she will decide to come soon. maybe i will be the 10% of women who's water breaks on it its own. that would be nice. but i am down to two weeks and getting really excited and really nervous at the same time. cant wait till she is here so i can meet her and love on her. but hoping that dilvery goes good. shorti am hoping...
we will let every one know when it is time.
we will let every one know when it is time.
Monday, November 2, 2009
so anyways last night i wasnt feeling to good. i got in to bed and started feeling weird pain come from my thighs then in to my stomache then up my spine.. nothing to bad then i got sick to my stomach so i had to run to the bathroom. when i got back in bed i felt the pain soi decided i would see if it was consistant, it wasnt. feeewww... i figured if it was contractions then i would be woken up but i never woke up to pain. I got up this morning and oh wow i had lots of pressure. it was not painful just annoying. ithurt to walk and even sit. but i never starting to contract regulary. i go to dr. tomorrow maybe he will give us some good news.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
vehicle update
well we just bought a 2005 chevy equinox suv! it is alot different than my jeep and it will take some time to get used to. but it is fun to drive and really roomy. the back seat has tonz of leg room and lots of room for a carseat. there are a few things that need to be fixed but the dealer is fixing them. like the cd player does not work and the cup holder in the consel is broke, but we are taking it cedar city on the 16 to get the cd player replaced.. i will post some pictures soon.
update on baby
well i went to the dr on the 13. it went well. i am measuring back to where i am supposed to be, the app. before i was measuring 2 in. bigger he said he would keep an eye on it but this last app. i was back to where i should be. the baby was probably just sitting funny in there or something. my next app. i have to get my strep b test done and he is going to start checking me to see if i am dialating or anything like that. i have 5 weeks left. i go every week starting on the 27. CRAZY. i can not believe how fast the time goes. just seems like yesterday we were just finding out that we were pregnant. and now she will be here any time. we are very excited for to come but very nervous. i am still preparing my mind for birth for we have decided to go natural. it is not to show off to people or anything like that, it is just that i dont want an epidural. although i am keeping an open mind and if something happens and need an epi, or i absolutly cant handle the pain and still can one then i will. but other than that it is a no go for the epi. i am not scared for labor. well not yet hehehe, but i am scared for the after fact of what women have to go through after a baby comes. dont know why i am so scared of a natural thing that happens when a baby comes. but maybe for the fact of people saying how long it lasts and how heavy!!!!
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